Access effective, evidence-based tools and resources to help you to establish healthy eating habits in your children
Advice tends to be most useful when it comes with practical tips and tools on how to use it. As well as the action points given for the common feeding pitfalls, we have also developed some practical tips and an interactive tool to help you put the advice into practice.
In this section you will find:
- Practical guidance on how to improve children's fruit and vegetable intake and ways to reward your child without using food.
- The exposure monitor - a simple, interactive tool that allows you to track how many times you have offered a food to your child and to monitor your child's acceptance and liking. This tool can be used to track lots of different foods and can be used for more than one child.
- The what, where, when, and why awareness exercise - a simple activity to help
you avoid using food in ways that can promote unhealthy eating behaviours.